Golfing Etiquette
Understanding, and adhering to golfing etiquette is as important as knowing and playing within the rules. In particular, be considerate to other players - let them through if you are holding them up on the course, particularly if you have fallen behind the group in front. Repair any damage you make to the course, such as divots and pitch marks. Full information is available by clicking here for the R&A website.
Dress Code
Like most clubs, we have rules about the types of clothes that are appropriate on the course and in the clubhouse. Please ensure that you are familiar with the dress code, which can be found here.
Changing Rooms
Changing room codes are available from the pro-shop.
Tee Times
The tee on which you start depends on the time of day and whether you are playing in 2-Ball or 3/4-Ball format. Details are on a board outside the Pro-shop and on the website here:
To select your preferences for email communications from the club please go to:
MYGOLF/PREFERENCES/Scroll to bottom of page and select which subjects you would like notifications on:
Stroke play and Stableford competitions run throughout the year. You can enter the weekend ones online, either at the Club or via the website. Details on competition dates, entry method etc. can be found on the competition_help page..
Men's midweek competitions during the winter are on a roll up basis, where you arrange to play with up to two other members and then play when you wish
Summer and Winter knockout competitions are entered online on the website.
There are also various matches against other clubs details of how to join a squad for these matches can be found here.
The Ladies' section is vibrant with around 90 playing members. The Ladies play their competitions on Tuesday morning, usually followed by lunch, with some Ladies playing their competitions at the weekend.
In addition to qualifying England Golf Medal and Stableford competitions, ladies take part in a number of fun competitions and qualifiers for national golf competitions. These can be found by clicking " Competitions " and then " upcoming".
Various matches are played against other clubs to cater for different handicap levels with members representing the club in the Pearson Trophy matches, Surrey knockout competitions and the Working Ladies' League.
Professionals, Lessons and the Academy
Head Pro: Scott Graham, & Teaching Pro Kevin O'Connell. Please click
here for the Pro shop webpage
The club runs a very successful Academy which offers a year's academy membership with lessons in all aspects of the game.
Academy Membership provides the following
2 Individual 1/2 hour lessons per month
The opportunity to attend regular group clinics
Unrestricted use of the practice facilities
Full Social Membership
Academy 2 is a follow-up to the Academy for those progressing towards membership but not yet ready to join. It includes:
£200 lesson voucher
Monthly access to group lessons
Access to the course at stipulated times subject to availability.
Summer months -
Sundays after 2.30pm
Monday to Friday (excl. Tuesday) after 2.30pm
Saturday after 4pm
Winter months - Oct - March
Sunday to Friday (excl. Tuesday) after 1.30
Social membership
Discount on bar spend
Overall guidance on the game
In addition to the Academy the Professional team provide lessons on all aspects of the game, both with individual and group sessions. There is also a state of the art indoor studio which can be used with the professional as a part of a lesson or separately for practice. Lessons and the indoor studio can be booked through the pro-shop. The Professional team also stock a wide range of equipment and offer a full fitting service. The team will also be happy to answer any rule queries you may have For more information click pro_shop
Gaining a Handicap
If you have joined our club without a handicap, your handicap has lapsed or you need it transferred from a previous club you will probably want to get your competition handicap established at Purley Downs as soon as possible so that you may enter the strokeplay and matchplay competitions as well as our many less formal events
Click for full details
These present a way of playing golf that does not require you to make a prior arrangement - just turn up at the appropriate time and partners are drawn. Playing in these is an excellent way of getting to know other members. For details click here
Lockers and Trolley Shed
Locker in either the Men's or Ladies changing rooms, or the Trolley shed, are administered through the office. If you would like a locker please contact the office and they will let you know availability and current prices. Trolleys may be stored in the trolley shed situated behind the practice room. Trolleys are stored at the owner's risk, these must not be positioned so as to block the lockers.
Buggy and Trolley Hire
Buggies and trollies may be hired from the pro-shop. Alternatively, bulk tickets for buggy hire may be purchased from the office, please ask in the pro-shop for details or click here.
What's on at the club
Social and Golf fixtures are shown in the online diary, you can download sections to your smartphone if you wish. Apart from seeing what events you might wish to attend, it is handy if you wish to play a social game to see when the course is booked for a match or competition.' Week at a glance ' tee times are shown here. In addition, club emails are often sent in respect of Social events and information is available on the noticeboards in the foyer. Major social events are also displayed on your homepage on the website.
The Club online diary is available via the website and holds all up-to-date information regarding Competitions, Societies, Matches and Club events. Details on how to Sync the Club online diary with the calendar on your iphone or android device can be found here.
Practice Facilities
Putting green, indoor warm-up room next to pro shop, 1 st hole alternative green, practice area to right of the 1 st hole alternative green - suitable for distances up to 120 yards and the old 8th hole and green.
The Golf Studio is managed by the Pros and can be booked for practice as well as lessons and club fittings.
Golf Insurance
A degree of cover is provided with your subscription, but you should have additional cover when playing elsewhere. Home insurance may provide some of the cover you require and England Golf offer various packages that may meet your needs. You are advised to take out insurance to cover your subscriptions.
Club Bar Card
The Club Bar Card can be used for purchasing drinks and food, booking of most social events and for entry to the outer door of the men's changing room. How to top-up the card and discount details are available
County Card
The main feature of the county card is that it enables you to play golf at many clubs in over 30 counties at a rate that is lower than the visitors' fee. In Surrey, over 70 clubs participate. Details can be found here at the county website.
We have arrangements with 8 other clubs enabling members to play generally without charge subject to certain restrictions . Information on reciprocals is available here.
We have 2 tables in the clubhouse on the 1st floor. Contact Peter Blok for competition entry.
We have an active bridge section led by our Bridge Secretary Marion Ludlam with the Bridge League being run by Anne Gayford and Duplicate Competitions by Jim MacDonald. Much social bridge is played in the clubhouse too and for those who wish to learn or merely improve, lessons are available.