
Purley Downs Golf Club

Membership Fees - July 2024 - June 2025


Annual Subscription

Joining Fee

Full  £2,080 £1,000
Full - Age 65 + (20 years as member at 1.7.24) £1,910 n/a
Full - Age 80 + (20 years as member at 1.7.24) £1,050 n/a
*6 Day  £1,800 £1,000
6 Day - Age 65 + (20 years as member at 1.7.24) £1,650 n/a
6 Day - Age 80 + (20 years as member at 1.7.24) £925 n/a
5 Day £1,630 £700
5 Day - Age 65 + (20 years as member at 1.7.24) £1,490 n/a
5 Day - Age 80 + (20 years as member at 1.7.24) £900 n/a
Full Intermediate, age 18 to 20 years ** £675 £250
Full Intermediate, age 21 to 25 years ** £905 £500
Full Intermediate, age 26 to 30 years ** £1,135 £500
Full Intermediate, age 31 to 32 years **must have joined before 31st birthday £1,490 n/a
Full Intermediate, age 33 to 35 years **must have joined before 31st birthday £1,800 n/a
*6 Day Intermediate, age 18 to 35 years ** From £535 £200
Country  £575 £200
Student, age 18 to 24 ** From £550 £200
Junior  £240.00 n/a
Academy £620 n/a


Affiliation Fees/Liability Insurance - applicable every year to all golf members £22.00

All Full, 6 day, 5 day and intermediate memberships include 2 x Complimentary Junior memberships for their children / grandchildren. 

*6 Day members can play any time but not before 12pm on a Saturday and Sunday.

** Price varies dependent on age at time of joining

The subscription year runs from 1st July- 30th June. If you join on or after 1st August, you will be invoiced pro-rata.

Please note that all memberships excluding Junior and student will have a bar card levy added (this is for you as a member to use behind the bar)

Application Form Here

Alternatively ring the the office on 0208 657 8347 option 1, or email or



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