
Purley Downs Golf Club

Ladies Par Qualifying Bronze Division (CH21 and above)

Tuesday 22nd August 2023, Red Tees, Purley Downs

Tie for 1st place: Puni Amin & Pam Govindasami (+4) £30 each

3rd place: Bella Patel (+3) on CB from Daksha Patel   £12

All winnings on to bar cards

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Points
1st = Puni Amin (28)+4
1st = Pam Govindasami (25)+4
3rd Bella Patel (26)+3
4th Daksha Patel (28)+3
5th Martha Patel (25)+2
6th Sarah Bowen (43)+2
7th Marian Hamilton (33)+2
8th Sook Kyo Kim (21)+1
9th Eileen Hessey (35)+1
10th Carol Baxter (32)+1
11th Valerie Chapman (27)0
12th Anne Gayford (28)0
13th Tomoko Grayson (22)0
14th Margaret Williams (27)0
15th Marie Buckley (32)0
16th Stephanie Butcher (32)0
17th Diana Smith (27)-1
18th Dess Clark (26)-1
19th Tomoko MacDonald (30)-1
20th Janet Gibbs (28)-1
21st Gillian Cotterill (33)-2
22nd Carole Bradley (29)-2
23rd Pam Sabin (36)-2
24th Susan Evans (31)-2
25th Lynda ONeill (35)-2
26th Alison Slater (22)-2
27th Debbi Mason (22)-3
28th Tamasin Coates (36)-3
29th Sarah Clark (33)-4
30th Molly Britton (33)-4
31st Valerie Cutmore (42)-4
32nd Julie Merrick (32)-6
33rd Lyn Hodgins (27)-7
34th Jill Warburton (37)-7
35th Barbara Hodges (29)-8
36th Valerie Pallett (36)-9
37th Christine Attwood (55)-13
38th Annie Fairley (25)DQ Card not returned

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