
Purley Downs Golf Club

Liability Insurance

Part of your Annual Subscription includes liability insurance, please see below

2nd Floor, Kent House, 41 East Street, Bromley, Kent BR1 1QQ  Telephone: 020 8658 4334 | Email:

Personal Liability

Subject to the terms and conditions of the policy the Insurer will Indemnify You or Your Members, engaged in the practicing or playing of golf anywhere within: 

i) the Territorial Limits; or  ii) any member country of the European Union. 

Regardless of whether or not the third party claimant is also one of Your Members. 

Provided that: 

neither such person is entitled to Indemnity under any other policies; and 

such persons shall observe, fulfil and be subject to the terms, definitions, conditions, clauses and  exclusions, of this Policy, in so far as they can apply. 

The Insurer's liability to You and all parties Indemnified shall not exceed in total the Limit of Indemnity stated below 


Member: Any Member of Your club (including social membership) or any visitor or guest who has paid a green fee or who has been given the courtesy use of the golf course.

Territorial Limits: Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man and the surrounding territorial waters.

 Limit of Indemnity

£5,000,000 - Liability of Members in the aggregate

Excess Applicable

£100 - Each and every claim, including costs and expenses

T his flyer does not constitute part of the Policy and is merely provided to highlight the presence of the personal liability extension of cover in the club's insurance Policy - any cover is subject to the terms conditions and exceptions detailed in the Policy held by your club. Any claims or incidents should be reported to your club Secretary.

We recommend that you source your individual insurance for theft, personal belonings and illness cover.

England Golf have a variety of options on offer which can be found here.


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