
Purley Downs Golf Club

First Handicap and Handicap Brought Forward

If you have joined our club without a handicap, your handicap has lapsed or you need it transferred from a previous club you will probably want to get your competition handicap established as soon as possible.

Based on the returned cards and previous handicap history the Handicap Committee will allot a handicap in accordance with the CONGU Unified Handicapping System 1st January 2019 including Rules of Golf 2019 Clause 16 Allotment of Handicaps

New members without a previous handicap

  • Complete 3 times 18 hole rounds with an adult playing member who has a handicap.  Alternatively any combination of 9 and 18 hole rounds giving 54 holes in total.
  • Ensure the cards are completed in full including a date and signed by both players
  • The Competition Name should say "Playing for Handicap"
  • Indicate which tee was used
  • The Marker's Name should be written in the Player B section
  • Submit all three cards together, preferably in an envelope and hand in to the office for the attention of ‘Handicap Secretary'

New members with a current handicap from a previous club

If you have transferred from another club within twelve months of joining Purley Downs it is likely that your handicap is still at competition status in which case it is relatively straightforward to transfer your handicap. Please provide as much information about your handicap as possible including:

  • Current handicap
  • Previous club
  • CDH number

Email this information to both the office and the Men’s Handicap Secretary:

Office:                                          i

Men’s Handicap Secretary:  (Jim MacDonald)


New members from a previous club with a lost handicap

If you have transferred from another club and it’s more than twelve months after you last held a competition handicap then it is likely to be considered "lost".   To reinstate the competition handicap please provide as much information about your previous handicap as possible including:

  • Last known handicap
  • Previous club
  • CDH number

Email this information to both the office and the Men’s Handicap Secretary

Office:                                          i

Men’s Handicap Secretary:  (Jim MacDonald)

You will also need to complete three cards to return your handicap to competition status following the procedure noted above for a ‘New member without a previous handicap’

Updated 23/08/2019 to current CONGU Manual

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.